The T2T boats site was designed specifically for boat traders who want to buy and sell boats at trade prices.Memebership of the site is by invitation only.

The fully automated sale process deals with the correspondance between the buyer and the seller. Once a price has been agreed and a survey of the boat has been completed the site automatically issues an invoice in the buyer's local currency and includes any tax required in that country. Once both parties have completed the final sale application the sale is concluded and emails are sent to the parties concerned.
The site offers a detailed search engine, which can store the latest search for eash individual member.
The site administrator can track each sale, view the current status of a member's account and transaction, set limits to total purchases allowed, offer rewards to speific members,
Key Features
- Multi currency invoicing and credit notes are automatically issued
- Traders can manage and track their own team members
- Powerful search features for traders and administrators
- Detail description of boats with photos can be entered
- Tracking of each sale / purchase
- Detailed statistics provided on members, companies and sales allowing the site administrators to efficiently control the site